
Best chest plate enchantments in Minecraft

chest plate enchantments

When it comes to making armor in Minecraft, we all prioritize chest plates. Indeed, chest plates are the most important piece of armor in Minecraft. A netherite chest plate provides 8 points of overall protection. In Minecraft, there are a total of 9 chest plate enchantments. These are – Protection, Mending, Unbreaking, Throns, Fire protection, Projectile protection, Blast protection, Curse of binding, Curse of vanishing. However, the last 2 enchantments aren’t really of good use unless you want to use them for pranking your friends.

Since some enchantments aren’t compatible together, the rest 7 enchantments can be used in combination of 4s. Here are all the possible chest plate enchantments combinations:-

Chest plate enchantments combos

i) Protection 4
Thorns 3
Unbreaking 3

chest plate enchantments

ii) Fire Protection 4
Thorns 3
Unbreaking 3

chest plate enchantments

iii) Blast Protection 4
Thorns 3
Unbreaking 3

chest plate enchantments

iv) Projectile Protection 4
Thorns 3
Unbreaking 3

chest plate enchantments

All these chest plate enchantments combinations have their own unique features. These are helpful for the player in different situations. However, players mostly use the protection 4 combos.

Let’s learn about the uses of all these 4 chest plate enchantments combos.

Uses of chest plate enchantments combos

The first chest plate enchantments combo – Protection 4, Throns 3, Unbreaking 3, and Mending. This is considered the most useful chest plate enchantments combo in Minecraft. Protection 4 reduces the damage from any hostile mob, players, projectiles, blasts, or even lava. Players love this one.

The second chest plate enchantments combo. – Fire protection 4, Throns 3, Unbreaking 3, and Mending. It provides extra resistance to fire and lava. It gives more protection from lava and fire than protection 4. Maybe get this one when going out into the underworld!

The third chest plate enchantments combo – Is blast protection 4, Throns 3, Unbreaking 3, and Mending. As the name suggests, protects against blast. Whether it’s a TNT or a Creeper, you have your trustworthy chest plate. Having this on can sometimes save your skin. Creeper Awwww Mannn!!!

The final chest plate enchantments combo. – Projectile Protection 4, Throns 3, Unbreaking 3, and Mending 3. It protects against ‘projectiles’. This means things like fireballs, snowballs, arrows, etc. It’s most useful in a shooting battle 🙂


Chest plate enchantments have 4 different combos. Each one has it’s own usefulness. However, it totally depends on you, the player, to choose among them. Most of us consider Protection 4 to be the best. Being an old Minecraft player, I agree to that statement. Protection 4 is useful in all sorts of fight. Whether it be a PvP battle or a fight against the ‘Wither’ boss.

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Keep reading and Keep spreading!

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