
Best PvP settings in Minecraft!


Minecraft is a very wholesome game, but it also has another side to it. With the rise of different multiplayer servers, a variety of PvP game modes came to an origin. Bedwars, Pot PvP, Skywars, and Factions are the most famous among them. But playing these games requires some crucial gaming skills. Here, we’ll show you what it takes to become a good PvPer.

What do you need to improve PvP?

Most people say your PvP depends on your skill. Indeed skills are important, however, you need some extra equipment to improve drastically, a PvP client. Lunar Client, Badlion Client, and Laby Mod are some of the best PvP clients in the market right now. All of them have their own features and specialties. You can learn more about them from here.

In this article, we are going to see Lunar Client. Now let’s learn some technical PvP skills.

Technical PvP skills that you need

To drastically improve your PvP, you need some basic skills like w-tapping, hotkeying, etc. Let’s see them in detail.

W-Tapping – In Minecraft, the first hit you do to a player or mob after starting your sprint deals the most knockback. Therefore, the pro players always reset their sprint before hitting. This is called W-tapping. In simple words, W-tapping refers to resetting your sprint. Now there are many different ways of resetting your sprint except w-tapping, like s-tapping and block hitting. You can learn more about these from here.

Hotkeying – Hotkeys are the most important part of improving PvP. However, most players don’t use hotkeys because they think it’s difficult. In reality, it’s not difficult, you just need some practice. You can assign different keys to your hotbars. I suggest that you should assign the 7, 8, and 9th Hotbar slot to something that you can reach easily with your hand (the one with which you use the keyboard). Here is what I use as my Hotbar keys. You can use the same and tweak it later on as you like.


Strafing – Strafing refers to moving to your sides. There are two strafe directions, left and right. By strafing you can dodge your opponent’s hits. Strafing makes your opponent lose track of you and then you can easily hit them. Strafing can be very hard to get hang of, but it’s a very crucial skill.

These 3 skills are the most important to start with. You also need some basic settings to configure, let’s see them in detail.

Basic Minecraft settings

Senstivity – Senstiviity in Minecraft can change the game even if it’s off by 1%. Therefore, finding the sensitivity that works for you is very important. You can first start with 80% sensitivity, then decrease or increase 5 whenever you feel like it’s not right.


Fov – Fov stands for field of view. This is also a very important setting that you should take care of. I suggest using a normal fov. Keeping it too high or too low causes issues when PvPing. However, it all depends on you to find your best fov.

Best PvP mods in Lunar Client

Open your Lunar Client settings. You can do that by just clicking the setting on the home page, or by clicking the Right shift button inside a world. Here you can install different mods like CPS counter, Toggle sprint, Freelook, etc. These mods help you to play more efficiently. Let’s see their uses one by one.

CPS counter mod – This mod brings up a cps counter on your screen. Whenever you click your mouse, it’ll show you how many clicks per second are being registered. This can help track your clicking progress.


Toggle sprint/sneak – With this mod, you can toggle your sprint. Just assign a button to your sprint and click it. It has two modes, toggled and holding. On toggled mode, you don’t have to press your sprint key again and again to sprint. That can help you improve your w-tapping skills.


Freelook – When assigned to a button, freelook mod enabled 3rd person perspective. However, this perspective isn’t fixed to a spot. This means that with the assigned button held, you can move your mouse around to look freely. This can be very helpful in specific PvP encounters.


Crosshair mod – This mod can be used to customize your crosshair. A better crosshair can improve your aim.


These are all the basic mods that are helpful in PvP. You can always tweak these mods, or install more according to your liking.


PvP in Minecraft isn’t just based on skills or clients. It’s a combination of both. To improve your PvP, you need to get down some basic settings according to your liking. Mods inside of clients can also be used to improve your PvP experience. You can copy all the settings from above to start with and make some tweaks later on.

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