Disclaimer To All Parties

Last updated May 04, 2022

EliteCreatures License

Upon purchasing a license for any product on our marketplace you acknowledge that you are purchasing a single usage license and You agree to everything in our Terms of Service. This license gives you access to use the Intellectual property of the given purchase in these permitted methods:

  1. A single server or network owned by the same Individual.
  2. Personal experience such as playing with friends on a private server.
  3. Gaming development of companies with annual revenues <100k USD or <10 employees

To use any of our assets in methods not mentioned above, this includes but is not limited to media content such as YouTube videos you MUST give credit in the description or request a commercial license to remove the need for credit. 


  1. No assets purchased on elitecreatures.com can be repackaged and resold in any format. This includes but is not limited to, server setups, marketplace packs or more.
  2. You are not allowed to claim the ownership of any of these packs under any circumstances.

Important Notice

  1. Elitecreatures.com is not associated with Minecraft, Mojang, Microsoft or any gaming company, all our assets are used for a wide variety of titles, we act as a marketplace for 3D models and configurations, we do not represent or vouch for any plugin that we make configurations for nor do we provide any copyright of that plugin in any of our setups.
  2. We have the right to change these terms at any point in time.
  3. We maintain the right to revoke access to any license on our website, under any circumstance without reason.

Content Creators

  1. None of our assets can be used in the creation of monetized media content, example  (Youtube, Twitch, Facebook and more), without credit to our team. Our team will negotiate with you If you don’t wish to give credit and provide the required commercial license to remove the need for credit. Use of our products in monetised media content without crediting our team or a commercial license will result in a DMCA strike from Jupitur LLC, the owner of the copyright of this wesbite.