
Top 5 custom Minecraft Biomes


Minecraft has come a long way since the early Alpha days. There are many different biomes in Minecraft, depicting the various parts of the world and different seasons. But you know Minecraft players are never satisfied with what they have, and the Vanilla biomes have just become boring.

There was a ray of hope when Lady Agnes (dev at Mojang) announced that the biomes would be getting a revamp, but it didn’t happen, and there were a lot of backlashes. But rather than crying about what we didn’t get, let’s focus on what we can do now, and what we can do is create custom biomes!

Using the existing blocks in Minecraft, you can create hundreds of different custom biomes. But, in this blog post, we will show you the 5 best custom biomes!

5. Desolate Lava Biomes

Desolate lava biomes

This Biome is the embodiment of everything evil. The landscape is covered with dark, black stone, and there’s lava instead of water flowing everywhere. The lava pits’ smoke adds another layer of depth and immersion to this biome!

This Biome was custom made by Rendog for Season 8 of Hermitcraft and is loved by many. You can create a similar aesthetic using Blackstone, deep slate, coal, and a wide variety of dark-colored blocks. You can even use dark okay to create custom trees with no leaves!

4. Cherry Blossom Trees Biomes

I know many different resource packs in the game add this biome. Still, we’re talking about custom biomes that can be built in Minecraft Vanilla. 

The cherry blossom tree can be created using Oak Wood, pink Wool, and concrete powder just to add some texture. Popular the entire plains biome with these trees and just see how magical it looks from a mountain.

3. Giant Mushroom Biomes

Giant mushroom biomes

This one is self-explanatory, and half of the work is done for you by the game generation. You can build these giant mushrooms in a mushroom is; land or plains biome; the choice is yours. And then populate it with a ton of mushrooms and allays!

2. Giant Spruce Biomes

The Spruce wood biome is already pretty cool, but wait till you build your custom Spruce tree, which dwarves the vanilla spruce trees, and you’ll build this biome every time you play!

1. Epic Floating Islands

Floating Islands are so good they should be a part of Vanilla Minecraft, but until we get them, you can create your own using dirt blocks!

Floating islands are like normal plains biome, but they are floating in the sky, so they look epic, straight out of some fantasy novel!

Thanks for reading, also, if you found anything interesting or informative then please share this with your Minecraft Buddies!!
Keep Reading, Keep Learning!

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