
Top 5 things to do in Minecraft when you’re bored


Minecraft has so many things to do that it becomes overwhelming at times to do all of them. But there are times when the opposite is true when you are burned out; you don’t feel like completing your Minecraft projects or finishing that storage system that you promised yourself you’d do this weekend.

In times like this, the best thing to do is chill, take a step back and do something light-hearted. And in this blog post, we will share with you the top 5 things to do in Minecraft when you’re bored!

5. Parkour!

Yup, that’s right, head out to some of the best Parkour servers Minecraft offers, simply download a Parkour map, or even better, build one yourself and time yourself doing it. Parkour is one of the most popular aspects of Minecraft in multiplayer; if so many players love it, something is interesting about it.

So, if you’ve never tried it before, give it a go! You won’t be disappointed.

4. Railway

Yes, that’s right, become a train conductor! No really. Building railways in Minecraft was one of the most popular things you can do a few years ago (by few, I mean 5-6 years ago, damn time flies).

Before the Elytra became a thing, the tracks and Minecraft were helpful, in fact, it was one of the most popular features of Minecraft; almost no one uses them, and why would they? It is slow.

But even if it’s slow, it has its charm. Build a railway network connecting every base worldwide; you will love the process.

3. Floating Islands

Do you remember the Floating island on the island of Pandora in the movie Avatar? Yeah, that’s what I’m asking you to build. These floating islands look epic. It should be a feature in Vanilla Minecraft!

So till some developer picks up this idea (which is on Minecraft feedback), you can build your own. It would be awesome to wake up and see an island floating in the sky with a house on it!

2. A Zoo


Minecraft has a town of mobs, some passive, most hostile. So this will be a challenge, but it is doable; many have done it.

Build a massive zoo, and store every mob in Minecraft in that zoo. I’ve done it in the past, and let me tell you, getting ghast through the portal is intense, to say the least.

1. TNT Cannon


Do you like blowing things up? What better way to blow up your thigh than with a TNT cannon, or even better, a moving TNT Cannon!

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