Categoriesminecraft how tos

Best sword enchantments in Minecraft

best sword enchantments

In this article, we will show you the most effective sword enchantments in Minecraft.

Swords are one of the most crucial weapons in Minecraft and have been around since the beginning of the game. In the early versions of the game, a diamond sword was considered to be the most powerful. However, today this is not the case. With 38 different enchantments in the game, your diamond sword can be much better if you use enchantments.

Swords in Minecraft can be enchanted in many combinations, each combination having its own pros and cons. So in this article, we jot down the best combinations you can use to make the Ultimate Minecraft Sword!

Combination of sword enchantments

10 possible enchantments can be applied to swords. Mending, Looting, Sharpness, Unbreaking, Sweeping edge, Fire aspect, Smite, Knockback, Bane of arthropods, and lastly curse of vanishing. However, the curse of vanishing is not considered a beneficial enchantment for swords because when applied, the sword disappears if dropped and if the player has died.

The rest of the 9 enchantments can be used in pairs of 7 as some enchantments can’t be used together. All the possible combinations are:-

Sword enchantments

i) Bane of arthropods 5 

   Fire Aspect 2 


   Unbreaking 3

   Looting 3

   Sweeping edge 3

Knockback 2

Sword enchantments

ii) Sharpness 5

   Fire Aspect 2


   Unbreaking 3

   Looting 3

   Sweeping edge 3

Knockback 2

Sword enchantments

iii) Smite 5

     Fire Aspect 2


     Unbreaking 3

     Looting 3

     Sweeping edge 3

Knockback 2

These sword enchantments are very effective in specific cases, but when there are pros, there are also cons. Most players say Sharpness 5, Fire Aspect 2, Mending, Unbreaking 3, Looting 3, and Sweeping edge 3 is the best combination of sword enchantments. But others have some practical use that is special to that combo.  

Uses of Sword enchantment combos

The first sword enchantment combo – Bane of arthropods 5, Fire aspect 2, Mending, Unbreaking 3, Looting 3, and Sweeping edge 3, is suitable for ‘arthropods’. This means mobs like Creeper, Spiders, Cave spiders, Silverfish, Endermites, etc. This sword is most useful for Spider and Creeper farms. Dealing more damage to these mobs, this sword enchantment is better than others if you ever come across a Creeper in your base. 

The next sword enchantment combo – Smite 5, Fire Aspect 2, Mending, Unbreaking 3, Looting 3, Sweeping edge 3, is particularly effective against ‘undead mobs’. This means mobs like Zombie, Skeleton, Wither, etc. This combo is primarily used in mob farms, especially in skeleton and zombie farms. This sword enchantment combo can also be a very effective weapon against ‘The Wither.’  

Lastly, the third sword enchantment combo — Sharpness 5, Fire aspect 2, Mending, Unbreaking 3, Looting 3, and Sweeping edge 3, deals extra damage to anything — players and mobs also. Therefore, most players say it is the best sword enchantment combo. I consider it to be the most effective when used in PvP. Therefore, players with Sharpness 5 are feared by everyone. Personally, I prefer this combo over others.   


I and many others would say Sharpness is the best sword enchantment combo. However, it depends on the type of Minecraft player you are. Many players prefer other combos over this one. A player who plays survival more often would like Smite or Bane of arthropods, as it works more efficiently in mob farms. A player more centered in the world of PvP would like the Sharpness combo, as it deals more damage to other players and has an advantage over other combos.
However, you can have all 3 combos on 3 different swords, so it doesn’t matter at the end of the day.

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