
How to enchant weapons and armor in Minecraft


Minecraft allows players to infuse their weapons, armors, tools, and a select few items with magic, giving them extra abilities. Enchanting has been a game-changing mechanic since it was first added to the game. The process of enchanting seems pretty tedious to newbies, but the contrary is true.

Enchanting is straightforward and will immensely help you in your playthrough, no matter your goal. If you’re not playing Minecraft without enchanted items, you’re doing it wrong.

So in this short and simple blog post, we will show you how to enchant items in the game and a few tips and tricks we’ve learned over the years.

So without any further ado, let’s get into it!

Enchanting Table

Before we start enchanting, though, there are certain items and blocks you’ll need, and the enchanting table is by far the most important one of them all.

As the name suggests, the block is a workstation used by the player to enchant the various time they have. To craft an Enchanting Table, you’ll need the following items:

  1. 4 Obsidian
  2. 2 diamond
  3. 1 Book

Once you have all the items at your disposal, simply put them on the crafting table according to the recipe shown above. You’ll have crafted an enchanting table.

Enchanting Room

Getting an enchanting table isn’t enough; you need to establish a workspace for the enchanting tablet to work properly. You’ll need 15 Bookshelves spread across the enchanting table to do this. When you place all the 15 bookshelves, you’ll see particles flowing into the enchanting table.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is required to power the enchanting table; it is a blue-colored ore found only underground.


Along with Lapis, you’ll also need EXP to enchant your weapons, so make sure you have a ton of EXP stored up beforehand; we’d advise going to level 30 at least because, at this level, you get the best enchantment, i.e., level three enchantments.

Enchanting weapons and armor

Now that we have the necessary ingredient let’s get on with the enchanting.

When you click the enchanting table, you’ll see a UI similar to this. On the last slot, enter the weapon or item you want to chat about, and on the right, Lapis.

Depending on your amount of EXP, you’ll get three enchantments of varying levels. Simply clicking the one you want will enchant your item with that enchantment. Sometimes you might even get an extra enchantment, but this is not a guarantee; the process is entirely randomized.

And that’s basically how you enchant using a table. But that’s not the only way to enchant; you can also use enchanted books to enchant yoru items.

Enchanted Books

Enchanted books can be created by the player by enchanting normal books at the table. Or you can buy these boos from a librarian villager, and you’ll also find many enchanted books as loot.

Place the book and item in an anvil to use these books, and you’ll have enchanted your item.

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