
Top 10 most insane Redstone Builds


Minecraft Redstone creations, in my opinion, are far more complicated than programming. 

You must first understand the logic behind it and how each machine works before building and wiring it in a limited amount of space.

In this article, I’ll show you 10 insane Minecraft Redstone builds for your Minecraft world!

10) Piston Door


We all want an automatic door when we play Minecraft, right? 

What could be better than the door opening as soon as you take a step inside?

It can be activated by either stepping onto the pressure plate or flicking a lever/button, which will trigger the Redstone and activate the piston to pull the block, revealing the entrance to your base.

This Redstone build can be customized in a variety of styles and sizes; you can make it large or small, reveal the entrance by row, or even use a spiral effect.

9) Mob TNT Cannon:

With this Redstone machine, you will be able to shoot any type of mob up to 90 blocks in the sky, and 120 blocks in any direction afterward without them dying. Pretty cool!

This Redstone build is slightly complicated, but the required materials are easy enough to get, even in the early stage of the game. So this is worth a try!

8) Super smelter:

Have you ever had to open every furnace in your base after a lengthy mining trip (a 1-hour section of mining), load the coals and ores into them, and then repeat the process until your inventory is empty?

Fortunately, the Super Smelter is here to help you with your issue! 

Put all of your ore into one chest and all of your fuel into another, pull a lever, and then go breeding your animal while it cooks for you.

7) Defense System:


This Defense system will become your best friend if you intend to play a 100-day series with increasing mob strength. 

You only need to click once to activate this monstrosity and defend your base.

6) Bridge maker:


Fortunately, a new block called Basalt was added in the Minecraft 1.16 update, enabling us to create a Redstone device that instantly constructs a bridge. 

The Basalt bridge maker, which has a small design, is currently the most well-liked mode of transportation in the Nether!

5) TNT Duplicator:

You only need to click with this simple setup to open the large hole beneath the machine. 

By doing this, the entire chunk will be revealed, including any caves, mineshafts, and diamonds, down to the level of the bedrock.

4) Elevator:

There are numerous ways to travel horizontally, but is there a simple way to travel vertically? 

Yes, that is the answer. 

The elevator was created for this purpose!

3) Cinema:

Have you ever seen a movie in a theater that had plush lighting, powerful speakers, and a big screen playing your favorite film? 

You can do that with the aid of this Redstone build!

Black wool is used to set the mood, note blocks as speakers, and a door to give the impression that this is a real movie theater. 

Additionally, Mumbo uses his Redstone skill to make the screen run from right to left animatedly.

2) Working calculator:

Ever considered performing math in Minecraft? 

Prepare to have your mind blown by this Redstone device, though!

You can enter two numbers using this build, but you must also enter an operator such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. 

The Redstone device then performs the calculation based on the data you provided and outputs a result number below.

1) Working Tetris game:

The calculator is absurd enough, but why not create a new Minecraft game? 

Welcome to the Working Redstone Tetris game, the final Redstone concept.

This build has a 2010 screen size, 127 blocks of height, and thousands of Redstone-related blocks. 

Simply imagining how on earth people could do this is impossible.

The game’s frame rate is extremely slow due to the massive Redstone wiring and components used in the background, but this gives the player enough time to carefully consider where they want to place the block.

That’s about the top 10 insane Redstone builds guys!

Hope this helps you in any way possible.

If you enjoyed this content stay tuned for more such updates! 

Happy Gaming!

Recommended – Top 20 easy builds for beginners in Minecraft