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How to craft Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft


The glazed terracotta is one of the best building blocks in Minecraft. They come in different variants and look unlike anything in Minecraft Vanilla. They have intricate designs that make any place look majestic. Players often use these blocks to make the floor or ceiling of significant pace in their bases, like prominent temples and halls.

These bucks are very vibrant, so they should be used sparingly lest they look bad. They should be handled with care and sprinkled throughout builds only when necessary.

Now that we know what these blocks are used for and how to use them, let’s see how to craft them!

Step #1: Obtain Terracotta

Step #2: Dye the Terracotta


The first step in this process is straightforward: head to the nearest badlands biome and start mining as much terracotta as possible. The badlands biomes are made out of Terracota, so I don’t think you’ll be running out of Terracota anytime soon.

You can simply craft your terracotta by smelting clay if you don’t have access to a badlands biome (which you may not because they are crazy rare). 

Step #2: Smelt the Terracota

To get Glazed terracotta, simply melt the terracotta block in a furnace, and you should have a glazed terracotta block.

But how do you get Glazed Terracota of different colors?

Simple. Before smelting the Terracota Block in the furnace, dye it n the color you want the glazed Terracota. The above-given terracotta gave an Orange Glazed Terracota because it was an orange Terracota block. To get a blue GLazed Terracota Block, you first need to dye the normal Terracota with Blue Color and then smelt it.


As of now, there are a total of 16 different Glazed Terracota Blocks, each with a different pattern on them. And every block can be created using the same technique.

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