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How to get Diamonds in Minecraft in 2022


The caves and cliffs update changed Minecraft forever! No longer was the world a predictable land mass; there was a variation in the world. We got giant mountains, deeper caves, new blocks, underground biomes, and a lot more that completely revamped the overworld of Minecraft.

With this revamp, Minecraft’s most fundamental aspect, mining, changed completely! Iron and Coal are something that players used to stumble upon while caving before, and they didn’t think much of it. And most of the time, players got iron from Iron Golem farms, so it wasn’t a big issue.

But diamonds gave players a headache; it took a long time to mine diamonds ore-cave and cliffs update. Strip mining was popular back then; it gave you a ton of diamonds in a few hours, but now that the world has changed, how do you find diamonds?

This blog post will show you the best ways to get Diamonds in Minecraft now that the world generation has changed!


Now that we have enormous caves that can stretch hundreds of blocks and go as deep as Y level -59, caving is the best way to find diamonds. The caves are so big that you’ll stumble upon diamonds very quickly if you keep exploring, and that’s what the devs at Mojang wanted from this update, players being able to explore the caves.

Yes, the Caves are dark as hell, you can die at any moment, but that’s the charm of it. Finding diamonds has become an adventure that you go on, which is a hundred times better than the strip, which was just plain brought and took a lot of time.

This method is pretty straightforward. Go find a cave; a big one would be preferable. Start placing torches on the right side wall every few blocks, so you know where to go when you want to return. Also, go as deep as possible. According to this new Ore Distribution chart, diamond spawns large quantities on y level -59.


And that’s pretty much it. Eventually, you’ll find some diamonds here and there if you keep exploring for a while. 

Strip Mining for Diamonds


Even though Caving is the best way to find diamonds in the new update, it doesn’t mean that Strip Mining is useless; far from it. In fact, in some cases, it will save you time.

We already know that most diamonds will be found on a level above bedrock. So why not strip mine on this level? Diamonds are also found hidden behind stone right.

And how many times will you find a giant cave? They are not that abundant. Plus, even if you find one, you’ll always have to go to where the cave is and start exploring, trying to find new places. It takes a lot of time, which isn’t worth it if you don’t like the caves.

So the best way to get a ton of Diamonds in Minecraft after the caves and cliffs update is to simply go caving on Y level -59. And if the cave ends, just start strip mining; you’ll find diamonds when you strip mine at this level.

Just beware of the ancient cities; we don’t want you to get killed by the warden while hunting for diamonds.

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