CategoriesMinecraft minecraft how tos

How to make Netherite armor and weapons


Netherite is the new highest-tier ore in Minecraft Vanilla. It was added in the Minecraft Nether Update and is found only in the Nether dimension. This makes Netherite extremely rare, not only because you have to go to the Nether to acquire it, but when you mine for it, there is a great chance that lava will spill out of somewhere.

But Netherite is worth the time and risk you take in gathering it because of how tough it is. 

It is stronger than diamond and immune to fire, so even if you die in lava, your Netehrite armor, tools, and weapons will stay safe.

This blog post will show you how to craft Netherite Armor, Tools, and Weapons because it is not as straightforward as crafting armor from other ores.

Acquiring Netherite


Netherite is exclusively found in the Nether in the form of ancient debris. This ancient debris can be found deep in the Nether dimension.

As mentioned earlier, it is tough to acquire; the best way to mine Netherite seems to be bed mining or TNT mining. In these methods, you strip mine and then blow up beds or TNT to speed up the mining process.

Alternatively, you can visit and loot piglin bastions. These pre-generated structures house Piglins and Piglin brutes who are hostile even if you wear gold armor. In these bastions, you can find ancient debris, Netherite scraps, or even ingots sometimes, so it would be wise to go and search these places when you find one.

Once you have Netherite debris, smelt them to get Netherite scraps. These scraps can then be fused with Gold to get Netherite ingots!

Crafting Smithing Table

Netherite armor, tools, and weapons can’t be crafted on a normal crafting table; you’ll be needing a smithing table to craft these new items.

A smithing table is easy to craft. You’ll need 4 wood planks of any wood type and 2 iron ingots. Alternatively, you can also take the smithing tables found in the villages.

Making Netherite Tools, Armor, and Weapons


Now that you have your Netherite Ingots and the smithing table, the next step is pretty simple. Take your existing Diamond item; in that case, we have a Diamond Chestplate, which we want to turn into a Netherite one.

Place the Diamond chest plate in the slot, and the other will be filled with a Netherite ingot; that is basically how you get Netherite items.

So to craft any Netherite tool or armor, you first need a diamond counterpart. Because of this, the importance of diamonds in the game is still there. Also, suppose you have an enchanted Diamond item. In that case, you can still use the Netherite ingots to transform them into their Netherite counterparts, and the enchantment will stay.

Recommended – The best trick to mine Netherite in 2022