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How to find the Woodland Mansion in Minecraft

woodland mansion

The exploration aspect of Minecraft is essential. Because of this, Minecraft has a tonne of pre-generated buildings that you can discover while exploring. The Minecraft universe is filled with various structures, such as desert temples, pillagers’ outposts, villages, etc., but the Woodland Mansion is the one that is the most elusive.

In Minecraft, a woodland mansion is the most uncommon type of building. The Dark Forest is the only biome where these enigmatic mansions can be found. The Woodland Mansion is a place deep within the gloomy oak forests where the pillagers are said to conduct sinister experiments, the remnants of which can be seen inside the mansion. Additionally, they are the sole location in Minecraft where players can gather Totems of the Undying. If you want to know how to locate this mansion, you are in the right place.

Here’s how to find a Woodland Mansion in Minecraft

How to find a Woodland Mansion

Woodland Treasure Maps:

Similar to treasure maps, Woodland Explorer maps mark the location of a woodland mansion. Cartographers in the village who are at the journeyman level will sell you these maps. With 14 emeralds, a compass, and a journeyman cartographer, the player can purchase woodland explorer maps from the villagers. These maps, despite being pricey, will show the precise location of a woodland mansion on the map. Making it there alive is the only struggle, though. Players must be ready for a long journey because the closest mansion may not always be marked on the woodland explorer map. It is common for woodland mansions in Minecraft to be 20,000 blocks away from the initial spawn point because of how uncommon they are.

Woodland Mansion
A Journeyman Cartographer

In Dark Forests:

A woodland mansion might be hidden among the tall trees if the player is fortunate enough to find any nearby Dark Forest biomes. However, it should be noted that Dark Forest biomes are incredibly uncommon in and of themselves, further decreasing the likelihood that a player will discover a woodland mansion there.

Alternative way to find a Woodland Mansion

Locate Command via Chat Box:

The /locate command in the chat can be used if the player needs to find a woodland mansion quickly and doesn’t mind “cheating.” The /locate command can be used in the following ways.
Turn on cheats for the world/server. Within the chat, type /locate. Type mansion, then a space. The player will receive coordinates in the chat. To teleport to the mansion, click on those coordinates. A message will appear if the player uses the /locate command successfully, and will be given an option to teleport to the place. The player will be instantly teleported to the mansion’s front gate after clicking.

Everything can be found if you search well for it, even the woodland mansion. You just need to be prepared to undertake the journey. Since it is always filled with surprises and dangers. Surviving the journey is worth the rewards you will find in the mansion, as it is the place where the totem of undying is found.

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