
Top 5 Best Minecraft mods that add more Mobs


Having more mobs in the game will not only increase Minecraft’s realism but will also enhance the ambiance of Minecraft. Just imagine walking through a Birch forest and seeing a group of Birds zooming around the trees, chirping. Or going into the desert and seeing camels all over the place!

Over the years, Mojang has added a ton of Mobs to the game, but they are very slow at doing so. We get 1-2 mobs every year; at this rate, it would take us 10 years to have a sizeable number of animals/mobs in the game. So don’t wait for this to happen; use any of these mods mentioned below!

5. Mystical World  


If fantasy-like elements in Minecraft are what you like, then the Mystical World Mod is suitable for you. Though it adds only 10 new mobs to the game, each mob is unique and has some remarkable features that are unlike anything on this list.

4. Animania Pets + Animania Extra Realistic Farm Animals + Animania Farm

Yes, these are three different Mods, and they all belong on the list, but we didn’t want half the list to be Animania, so we grouped them.

As the anime suggests, each mod adds something unique. The first one adds 13 different breeds of cats and dogs into the game that you can tame, so for those complaining about no new dog variants, this is the mod for you.

Animania extra farm animals add animals you’ll find at a petting zoo, like hamsters, peafowls, frogs, etc.

And last but not least, Animaina farms add animals you’ll see on a farm, like goats and cows, and more!

3. More Villagers


As the anime suggests, this mod will add more villagers to the game. 8 new villager types, to be exact, or villager professions.

The mod is well made and doesn’t stray away from the vanilla feel of the game, which is essential as we don’t want mods that look out of place in Minecraft.

2. Alex’s Mobs


Alex’s mobs are the quintessential Minecraft Mob expansion Mods out there. It has been a popular mod for as long as I can remember, and it probably is one of the best mods Minecraft JAVA edition ever saw.

It adds over 80 new mobs to the game, each with its behavioral patterns and drops. This Mod alone can transform your world drastically!

1. Better animals plus

Better animal plus has recently become popular with the high-quality mobs it adds to the game. From little butterflies to giant whales, this mod has it all. With over 35 mobs, this is one of the most extensive Mob expansion mods out there, and the team might add even more mobs to the game in the future.

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