
What to expect from the Minecraft Mob Vote 2022

Mob Vote

With every passing day, Minecart Live is inching closer and closer, and I know, just like me, many Minecraft Players are getting excited about this year’s festivities at the event. Every year, the devs at Mojang manage to surprise us with brand-new features coming in the next update.
Not just that, we also get a new addition to the Minecraft family in the form of a new mob that gets added each year. Last year it was the Allay, the year before, it was the Glow Squid; who will it be this year in the Mob Vote?

Let’s find out!

Mob Vote 2022 Date and Time

Before we speculate about the mobs that might come in the next update, let’s just get the date and timing of the event out of the way. The Minecraft Live event, as always, will be held in October, and this year will be taking place on the 15th of October. So mark your calendars you don’t want to miss the unveiling of the update!

As for the Mob Vote, it is starting a day before the event. Why? Let’s find out in the next section.

Changes to the voting system

Mob Vote

As we mentioned earlier, in 2020, the Glow Squid won the mob vote, which is a shame considering that we lost a literal mini-boss. The Iceolloger would be an Ice Pillager who would inhibit the highest mountains of the Cave and Cliffs update, and it should’ve been the winner.

But Dream ruined it by sending his army of fans to vote for the glowing squid, which is insane. The glowing squid is similar to an average squid; nothing is interesting about it. It doesn’t even glow in the dark. That’s how useless it is. But Dream did it for the memes, and now we’re stuck with the glowing squid.

Even the announcers at the event were shocked to see the squid win. 

To stop stuff like this from happening, the team has decided to implement some much-needed changes in the voting system.

Every year the vote takes place on Twitter, where anyone can vote. And I mean, anyone. Even people who don’t know what Minecraft is. So it is straightforward to use bots to vote, and his fans in the Dream case.

This ruined the experience for many, so Mojang will only allow players who bought an official game copy to vote this year. The voting will commence a day before the main event and will take place on the Minecraft launcher.

Choose the job you like, vote for it, and move on! 

Speculation on the mobs

We have no clue what mobs might be coming, but if some leaks are to be believed, we might get an animal this year. No, what animal, I don’t know, and it is kinda vague. But that’s all we have for now.

But don’t worry; we will soon get an update on the mobs; till then, keep mining and crafting!

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