
Top 5 confirmed features coming to Minecraft


Minecraft as a game is constantly evolving; every year, a new update changes a fundamental aspect of the game, be it the world generation or an entire dimension, the devs at the Mojang headquarters are constantly trying to figure out what new features should be a part of the game, and then work on adding these features.

Over the years, Mojang understood that the community should also have a say in this process; after all, we, the players are the ones who be playing the game all day and night, so we should also be able to raise our voice in deciding which update should happen next. Thanks to this interest of the community in engaging with the devs, we got mob and biome votes!

The biomes/mobs who won this vote will be added to the game in the future, and in this blog post, we will list out the top 5 features that are confirmed to be coming to the game, which was a result of these votes!

5. Ostriches

Minecraft Ostriches

These graceful birds have been confirmed to be coming to Minecraft sometime in the future, and if we’re lucky, we might get them in the 1.20 update.

As shown above, these ostriches will be as tall as the lamas and will inhabit the vast lands of the savanna biomes. Unfortunately, we cannot ride these ostriches as Mojang thinks Ostriches will get harmed on this. No, they won’t; just let me ride a big bird; it is a fictional game!

4. Meerkats!

Meerkats should’ve been a part of Minecraft since day one; they fit Minecraft just so elegantly. These tiny little creatures can run around swiftly in the desert biomes. As of now, we know that they will be added, and we can also tame them!

3. Baobab Trees

New wood types are something that no Minecraft player will ever deny. Adding new trees to the savanna will increase the biomes’ beauty and provide the players with a new wood type, which is always a welcome addition as we get new building blocks to work with.

2. Termites

Now, this is a feature that I can live without. Termites aren’t the most loved creatures in the world; they ruin your furniture and your houses, so why add them to the game? To increase the difficulty, I guess.

1. Vultures

The addition of the Vultures will be scary, to say the least, not because they are super powerful and kill us instantly; no, they do something even worse than killing us. They’ll be able to scavenge the world, and when they spot us, they might follow and wait for us to die, and when we die, they will steal our stuff!

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